Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sheetrocking the Ceiling and Plasterwork

One of the difficulties with cellulose insulation is that no matter how tight you staple the Insulweb on the ceiling rafters, the Insulweb will still sag due to the weight of the cellulose. It therefore has to be pushed up with rollers so that the sheetrock can be put on. This rolling is very difficult work - overhead and time consuming - more frustration with the cellulose installation process.

We rented a sheetrock lift to assist with lifting the 4x8 boards up to the ceiling

Rob had to cut out holes in the sheetrock for each of the recessed lighting fixtures

Hans was such an amazing help - we love you, Hans!

After the sheetrock was up, the next step was the plasterwork, which meant sealing all the seams in the sheetrock with tape and covering the seams and all the screws with "compound." Cousins Lance and Judy came to help again - incredible! It took us a full weekend to put on the first coat with Lance and Judy, and then Rob spent several more days adding two more coats with water to even out the compound.

House with chicken pox or indoor snow storm?

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