Friday, January 3, 2014

Our Encounter with "Bumfluff" Hell

After driving two hours to pick up the rental dense-packing cellulose blowing machine, Jim Millhouse came over to show us the ropes. The machine seemed to be working fine while he was there, but of course as soon as he left, the machine started to clog...repeatedly...almost every hour. We resorted to breaking the cellulose into small clumps to try to avoid the clogging. Rob had the nasty job inserting the hose into the holes in the wall. After two days, we broke out the ski goggles to protect our eyes from the salt in the borate.

After several days of installing the "bumfluff," here are some pics of what the house looked like - what a mess!

It was only jokes about "inserting the hose," the disastrous "bumfluff," and "all this effort to get your chick naked" that kept us going. Especially crazy was that the rental machine stopped working altogether after five days with about two more days of work. I somehow convinced the rental company to drive out and bring us a new machine so that we could finish the job. 

At the end of the week...Rob had enough!

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