Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Backfilling - Updated

As of a month ago, I didn't know what the term "backfilling" meant, but it's become a prominent part of our vocabulary lately. We got the okay last week from the building inspector to backfill around the foundation, and from the engineer and board of health inspector to backfill the septic system. So, what does that word mean anyway? It basically means putting the soil that was removed back in place. Rob's spent the last few days backfilling the upper portion of the septic system (first pic below) and around the foundation, i.e. putting the hill back that we dug out for the foundation.

The stakes show the location of the septic tank, and all the connecting pipes are now covered up. Hoping to fill this area in with a small stream and native ferns and shrubs.

In the middle of the backfilling process

After it rained on Sunday, the area turned into a muddy mess

Here's the hill back in place

This is the backside (west side) of the building backfilled

West side from behind a locust tree
Northeast corner before backfilling

Northeast corner with fabric (goes between stone and soil)

North side after backfilling

Another view of the north side after backfilling
Deer Print - Our deer friends are still using the area, although they've made some new paths on the upper lot, which they seem to be using more

After backfilling around the foundation, Rob backfilled the leach field, which is now just an open field of soil - future garden? 

We also created a hang out spot with our hammocks - we especially like the new one we got from Judy and Lance (the one Rob is in)!

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