Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Roof Boards - Insanity

After getting the I-joists in place, we had a boom truck with a forklift on a crane come from Williams Lumber (the place we're ordering all our lumber from) and lift the Zip Boards up to the roof (Rob and Dale had stacked them in piles the day before so they could be dropped in different spots on the roof). Rob stood on the roof (the ladder is 24' high) to guide the piles of boards down where he wanted them, while the guy from Williams used his remote control to operate the crane.

If anyone ever doubted Rob's insanity....

This is the view down from the roof

Rob then worked furiously to get the Zip Boards in place before it rained yesterday afternoon - this meant balancing on the beams below (16" apart) while lifting the heavy boards. I tried to help, but my fear of heights made me pretty useless. Rob put the big blue tarp over the boards as it started to rain, but it's really not a surprise that the tarp let all the water through - again! This morning, Rob and our neighbor friend Michael dried everything off, finished putting the boards in place, and started taping the seams of the boards with the special Zip tape. We got about 2/3 of the way across the roof taping this evening, but now we ran out of tape - good thing it's not supposed to rain for a couple of days. After we finish the taping, we should be waterproof on top.


  1. wow guys, things are really taking shape!
    Love seeing Rob at work, on his flip-flops!

  2. AMAZING good job!! I really like to drop by and help you guys, but it's so Far away :(

    Keep it up and keep us posted!!!

    love Niek

  3. Thanks to that boom truck for making the job easier. Anyhow, I just can't help myself. Why is it that the ladder is standing that way? It should be slanted, right? A ladder standing that way is quite scary, and you might fall down from it.
    - Rolf Matchen
