Sunday, June 3, 2012

Planning and Flagging

Thursday morning view of the lake - waiting for the truck with more driveway stone to arrive. Nice location for a B&B, eh?

Rob and I spent Saturday afternoon figuring out where the septic system, well, water pipes, and electric lines will go. We based it on the engineer's design (the big paper you see in the picture) and the required setbacks (i.e. how far the well has to be from the septic tanks, leach field, etc), but had to figure out the specific location for all the ditches and the well ourselves. We then flagged the ditch for the electric and water line with yellow flags and the ditch for the septic with pink flags. The stone in the drawing was supposed to be spread on the foundation bottom on Thursday, but the excavator machine broke and Pjor had to go back to Holland, so that is on the agenda for this week.

After our day's work, we had a glass of wine back at the cottage, and Rob made friends with the neighbors. 

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